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Saturday, November 9, 2013


This is a new blog to talk about and illustrate things I have found in the Vought Aircraft Historical Foundation's archives. I have spent the past few years working with the VAHF researching drawings for their aircraft restorations (V-173, F6U, F7U-3 and O3U-3 project) and helping to answer questions.

During my searches for materials to support those projects I have come across lesser well known Vought projects for two seat Corsairs (F4U and A-7), a low drag, straight wing F4U proposal, bomber projects for WWII and later along with a number of other interesting bits and pieces. I am looking forward to sharing these in future posts and invite your comments and participation.

I also plan on posting some images of the restorations and the O3U recreation that the group has in progress along with some details that should be of interest to the aviation reader.

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