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Thursday, February 23, 2017

TBU Major Components

     Here is Vought-Sikorsky drawing VSK-420 showing the Major Components of the TBU-1.

     The drawing gives a good visual on how the various components were assembled and brought together to create the finished aircraft. each boxed in area created a unit or section made up of various panels and assemblies.

VSK-3420 Major Components TBU-1
VAHF Microfilm CVA148 scan

Saturday, February 4, 2017

FLIR and LST Aerodynamic Testing on the A-7E

As a further addition to this posting concerning FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) and LST (Laser Spot Tracker) installation on a YA-7D. Here is A-7E 156802 in February 1972 with FLIR/LST simulated fairings installed under the air intake. The testing would later lead to pod mounted FLIR and a chin mounted LST on the A-7D/K series only. The A-7D trials would actually start around a year later. For some images of that testing please visit my previous post here: FLIR/IRST Tests on YA-7D 67-14582





